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THE TALE OF EL GUSANO (THE WORM)   Blind Dog's first production!

Rewarded top honors from the Southern Exposure Film Forum, THE TALE OF EL GUSANO was filmed during the spring of 2001 in the beautiful Arizona desert. Featuring many Renaissance festival favorites, EL Gusano is an action adventure comedy set in the fantastical world of DON JUAN AND MIGUEL. EL GUSANO, a man twisted beyond recognition by jealousy and hatred, sets a diabolical trap for his nemesis, DON JUAN. Watch in mirthful horror as EL GUSANO sends his minions (played by THE LONDON BROIL) – led by the cruel Brutus – to abduct the mysterious Lady Maria. After a thunderous chase on horseback and a deadly sword duel, DON JUAN frees the distressed damsel. Led by Esmeralda and their Queen (Baj Burinski), the villagers of Fairhaven brave GUANO’S foul lair and battle alongside DON JUAN to oust the evil from their land! But things are not as they seem as EL GUSANO’S ultimate ploy is revealed and DON JUAN is forced to face the monstrous worm himself.
Fights and fun, music and merriment abound in this classic style comedy.
The players include Don Juan and Miguel, Esmeralda, The London Broil, Ded Bob and Smuj, Hey Nunny! Nunny!, Smee and Blogg the Singing Executioners, The Tortuga Twins, The Wyldemen, Baj Burinski as Queen, Fool Hearty, Eddie Jeff Cahill, Vogel Mut, Zilch the Torey Steller and more. The Hanlon Lees Action Theater provided horses and helped in the stunts. Doug Mumaw of The Swordsmen, assisted by Riki Robinson of The Tortuga Twins directed the fights.